Some more from the land down under
[Current Music: JT - Cry me a River (fitting)][Current Mood: Melancholy]
[Current Activity: at work]
Well, its not Australia, but its probably south of where you are. Anyways, it's been almost 2 months since my last post. My apologies, I've hadn't had the moment to update. If you're still reading/checking this semi-regularly, I commend you. Otherwise, I understand. Life is settling down for me here in Raleigh. I've pretty much got all of my furniture; now I've just got to put everything away and keep things clean, which proves more and more arduous with each day passing. For those that don't know, I recently got a puppy, which is alot of work, but very rewarding. I can see the paternal instincts coming out. His name is Java, and I've got pics up here.
He shits all over the place, but he's definately an awesome and really smart pup. It's funny too because I've met so many more people after getting him than before. Puppies will do that for you I guess. He's really been taking up the majority of my free time.
Other than that, my life is pretty mundane. I went canoeing one weekend which was sweet, and went hiking the one before. I've always grown up a city boy, never really had much of an appreciation for the outdoors, but its growing on me. It's nice to kind of get away for a little bit.
I've been meeting new people, but its wierd cause now I've got like these different groups of people that I'm trying to become tight with. It's difficult to balance it all, not that I'm complaining. It was easy at school because I spent most of my time with my brothers, although I had friends on the outside as well, which was nice. I'm not complaining though, its nice to know people.
I've really been missing school quite a bit now. I complained quite a bit about how rochester sucked when I was up there, but I miss the familiarity, the people, the weather (yes, the weather, it's f'in hot down here), and I definately miss RIT. The campus was my home for 5 years and I really came to love it. Just the college culture was amazing.... a bunch of young people living on their own, learning the ways of life. It really is the best time of your life. It's nice to have moved along though... the next chapter. I especially miss the people though. It sucks not being able to go to the house if I'm bored, or taking shots on a tuesday night with random people because, well, fuck wednesday morning.
I invite everyone and anyone to come visit though, I've discovered some cool bars, and there's usually a free concert somewhere on the weekend. Not to mention the lake or the park, which is nice as well.
As far as the opposite sex.... well... it's wierd, and not really like me, but I'd rather spend my time chillin with my boys than out tryin to score. That's a post for a different day though.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I'll try to update you all so you can be up to speed on the mundane life and times of SXJ.
I miss you all... write, call, IM, communicate.
I leave you all with a quote that, for one reason or another, has meaning to me.
"Even when you've paid enough
Been pulled apart or been held up,
By every single memory of the good or bad, faces of love.
Don't lose any sleep tonight, I'm sure everything will end up alright.
You may win or lose
But to be yourself is all that you can do"
-Audioslave, "Be Yourself"